Velcria Tallmoon
Velcria also known as Val, used to be part of a very wealthy family that owned multiple guilds. Vel is a hard worker, she takes great pride in her work. She currently works as a server and restocker for The Dancing Wick.

Velcria Tallmoon
Age: 32
Race: Tiefling
Height 5'10"
Weight: 155 pounds
Job: Server/Restock
Velcria left her family to pursue a living without her family financial security. Vel eventually found The Dancing Wick and applied, within 1 week of employment at The Dancing Wick Val already showed she was an excellent choice for a new hired. Vel works as a server but she also goes into town to restock produce. Vel loves to go to the town and buy expensive outfits for when the Tavern throws events. A lot of the clients mistake Val for the tavern owner because of her hard work.