Regina Dayheart
Regina Dayheart is the owner of the Dancing Wick, The most succesful tavern in the The Walnut Forest. She is known to get drunk with the patrons that walk into the tavern. Her passions involve running the tavern and collecting mushrooms.

Name: Regina Dayheart
Age: 26
Race: Human
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 127 lbs
Occupation: Tavern Owner / Bartender
Growing up in a small village, Regina Dayheart spend her childhood making libations and snacks for the working villagers. For years, Regina saved up her money to be able to eventually buy and run her tavern. The Dancing Wick is the name Regina picked for her Tavern located in the Walnut Forest, her job includes: making drinks, managing produce, paying the bills and maintenance of the tavern. Outside of running the tavern, Regina enjoys collecting mushrooms to expiriment with food and drinks. Regina has a bad habit of drinking with her customers and getting drunk to the point that she starts giving the customers free drinks
and food. The customers of the Dancing Wick always describe Regina as the hardest worker in the entire Walnut